Massachusetts Women’s Halfway Houses Sober Living
The first step to getting yourself or a loved one help would be to convince them to enter into a detoxification center. This is where they will undergo a medical procedure that will free them from any physical withdrawals from their drug of choice. It is an absolute necessity that any guest entering the Brook Retreat be treated for detox before they can achieve success in a recovery program.
Follow Through
Further treatment is necessary for the psychological aspect of addiction. Many are under the assumption that getting the drugs or alcohol out of a person with substance abuse problem’s system will give them the ability to stay away. However, the crux of the problem for most is the mental aspect of addiction.
Brook Retreat’s Massachusetts Women’s Halfway Houses Sober Living
When a guest enters a Brook Retreat program they are in the company of like-minded individuals. Our advantage is that we have all been through the perils of active addiction and the trials of recovery. We are experts in the mind-states that precede a relapse, and the actions that prevent one.
Phase One
This phase is centered around doing a significant amount of work on ourselves before getting back into the swing of working and living life outside of treatment. We remove all distractions from your Twelve Step Experience and only allow for necessary trips outside of the facility. We all sensed that we couldn’t just “stay busy” and get “back to work” to magically solve our fatal problem. We understand that and make sure we get a significant amount of work done before you return to the hustle and bustle of life and work responsibilities.
Self Diagnosis.
First and foremost, we rely on our diverse set of experience’s in order to gain traction with every guest. The first step in your care at the Brook Retreat is that you are convinced that you are facing the same problem we once did. We are careful not to convince anyone that they have a problem. This self-acceptance is crucial in order to move forward with a strong foundation.
The Blueprint.
The Twelve-Step solution is then outlined to each guest. It lays out actions and principles by which to live by. We believe that the “Steps” are never completed, rather that they are lifelong principles by which to live by that result in a removal of the mental obsession to relapse.
Moving Forward.
The next step is to make a commitment to working through the process. We don’t convince anyone that they should go forward with this process. If you feel you want what we have and are describing, it is your decision to move forward with the work.
We set out a life-changing moral inventory. This exercise is meant to help awaken us to the causes and conditions of our problem. We set these causes and conditions down on paper. This exercise is where most guests begin to feel a sense of strength and purpose in their recovery. It helps to separate ourselves from our fear, anger, and insecurities in a constructive way.
*Phase One Generally Last 1.5-2 months and is the most intensive of the program.
Phase Two
Address The Past
The first step of phase two is to look back at our past lives and make a list of people we have harmed in our addiction. This is the outline of steps 8 and 9. We set out to right these wrongs wherever possible. This process begins to life the guilt and shame of addiction and help those we have harmed understand what we are now doing with our life.
Once having made a handful of amends all guest are required to return to work, school, or volunteer work. We provide help with this process but most importantly stress that we are here to assist and not complete this task for you. We want to empower guests to accomplish these things on their own and feel a sense of independence. The most important thing is that all of the tools a guest has learned in phase one are now applied in a real-life setting like the workplace.
Practice Makes Perfect
Graduates of Phase One are introduced to more advanced meetings run in the house. We encourage every guest to dig deep using 10th step inventory as a tool and really address the issues that hold them back from a happy and fulfilling life in sobriety. This tool we stress specifically as a means to keep growing in recovery.
*This Phase lasts generally 2-3 months depending on each person and their individual needs.
Phase Three
Maintenance and Growth
Having made a very solid beginning in their recovery, each guest has learned all of the tools necessary to stay sober. Now it is just a matter of living in a safe and supportive environment in which to practice the design for living. Guests begin to explore new hobbies and habits in their new lives. They visit detoxes and hospitals and share their experience and hope with others. They share at AA meetings what they have been doing in order to convey hope for others recovery. At this time, they have maintained steady employment (sometimes for the first time) and begin to realize they may be able to face life successfully.
Being a power of example and reverse accountability
The final phase of the program is the most subtle because we are not actively writing three hours a day or out making many of our amends. At this point we are living the process. As newer guests come into the Brook Retreat they now look to guests in the phase for guidance as well as proof that they should move forward with the Twelve Step process. Being a power of example can give guests that sense of purpose that was always missing from their lives. Many of us needed to feel as if we were a part of something much bigger than ourselves in order to stay on the path.
Prepare for departure
Our prescription is simple. Go help others the way you have been helped. We know that consistent work helping other people reinforces a guests new life in sobriety and creates a sense of fulfillment and purpose. We believe this crucial step to be indispensable to someone with a drinking or drug problem. As guests leave, they generally have savings for an apartment. We stress this financial responsibility at the beginning of phase three as to show our loved ones we are becoming less reliant on others and more independent. Many alumni move into the plymouth area around the program although it is not a requirement. The Brook Retreat welcomes alumni back to meetings and dinners whenever possible. As the community grows more and more people are inspired to take the process seriously and get well.
The recommended stay at the Brook Retreat is between 6-9 months to work through the program and gain the most solid foundation to move out on their own. We will always notify guests when we feel they are ready or not ready to leave the program.
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